Spring Outdoor Maintenance

Spring maintenance is a great time to spruce up your home and ensure it looks new for a long time. Springtime means living in a warm climate and beautiful gardens with colourful blooms, but it also means taking some time for outdoor maintenance. This article outlines the most important things to take care of when preparing your property for the spring season.

Clean Your Gutters
When cleaning your gutters is neglected from year to year, significant damage and expense can be incurred. As snow and ice thaw in the spring, water runoff can overwhelm an unclean gutter system causing flooding or water drainage issues around your house. Removing unwanted debris, such as leaves, sticks, and dirt, before spring rain will help move water away from your home and foundation.

Clear Out Debris Around Your Home & Property
Raking up leaves and twigs are simple steps towards outdoor maintenance that will help keep pests out of your garden while boosting its natural beauty. Be sure to pay special attention to areas within wooded areas near trees; fallen branches are especially inviting homes for particular types of pests.

Check Your Sprinkler System
Ensure all sprinklers operate properly - outdated ones may need replacement or repair when exposed to adverse weather conditions during the winter, which could lead to higher costs. In addition, checking lawns for signs of wilting might indicate a breakdown in either sprinkler systems or require a change in their settings due to seasonal environmental changes.

Maintain Fence Lines & Other Structures
Good fences make great neighbours; during seasonal maintenance, ensure it doesn't require additional attention. Security gates should also remain up-to-date throughout yearly maintenance cycles since you and your guests will use them regularly.

Check Roofs & Exterior Walls For Damage
Given standard wear-and-tear over time, it's essential to inspect the home's exterior, including roofs and walls. It can be as simple as pressure washing the siding to replacing critical exterior parts. Staying on top of this will ensure your home has a tight environmental envelope and lessen the chance of water penetrating your home.


Spring Cleaning Checklist

Are you looking for ways to give your home an excellent seasonal makeover? Spring cleaning is the perfect way to get into the new season's spirit and prepare yourself for more days spent in the comfort of your home. It can also help keep common allergens at bay, like dust mites and pet dander. To help you create your spring cleaning checklist, here are some tips to get started.

Clean Out the Closets: This is one of the most daunting tasks with spring cleaning, but it's essential if you want your storage areas to be orderly and squeaky clean. Start with smaller spaces first and focus on closets last.

Dust off Surfaces: When cleaning out dusty shelves or cabinets, start with a cloth lightly dampened with water. Afterward, go over them with dry microfiber cloths to pick up any extra dirt or debris. Remember ceilings and blinds!

Wash Windows & Mirrors: Use non-streaking glass cleaners to wash these surfaces thoroughly. Make sure to keep a grocery bag handy for paper towels that don't come off clean from glass surfaces; you need those as well as rags and buckets for basic window cleaning supplies.

Sanitize Floors: Spring cleanings would only be complete with adequately sanitizing hard floors such as tiles, wood floors, linoleum, and even laminates. Using a steam cleaner may help in deep-cleaning carpets but be careful not to over-wet the carpet fibres. Deep vacuum all types of floor coverings along baseboards when finished too!

Clean Behind Appliances: Get behind washers, dryers, refrigerators, ovens and dishwashers to remove dirt buildup accumulated throughout the winter season. You might also want to remove drawers/ trays from ovens/ fridges for thorough cleansing using abrasive scrubbing pads (non-steel) covered sponges combined with mild detergents like liquid soap/ baking soda solution along grain structures facing outwardly towards faced pictures (on their bottom side).

Polish Furniture: Having polished furniture will make your daily cleaning routine more manageable, so buff up wooden table tops/ frames using wax coatings after lightly sweeping them down from grime buildups and returning them to their newly cleaned state, making rooms look brand new again. Wipe stainless steel kitchen furniture down using appropriate cleansers if applicable.

Vacuum Upholstery: Vacuuming different upholstery pieces helps release embedded dirt before washing or spot-treating fabric couch covers. Be sure to give your upholstery a strong vacuum before any fabric treatments. Doing so will help your furniture look rejuvenated.

If you follow this checklist diligently every year, it'll become second nature! 


Don't let interest rates scare you away from buying now!

Unlike last year, interest rates are terrifying; they can turn your mortgage payment from a molehill into a mountain. But what if I told you now is a great time to buy a house. No, I'm not crazy; let me lay it out.

Interest rates were increased to help slow down the housing market to keep housing prices under control. This has worked; we are still seeing houses go over asking but not to the extent we were in 2022. This comes from the borrowing cost being more expensive in 2023 vs 2022. The Bank of Canada's plan is working, and houses are selling closer to the list price. And here's the rub.

When you purchase your house, you're locked into that price. If you bought it for that amount, you don't get to go back and renegotiate that price. But you know what does change throughout owning your home? Your mortgage rate every term, you get to renegotiate your interest rate. Remember the total duration of your mortgage has multiple terms within it. Let's say you have a 25-year mortgage, meaning you agree to pay back the money your lender lent you in 25 years, but within that agreement, you have these little terms. These terms are little chunks of time that you agree to an interest rate to pay for borrowing the money (variable rate is a bit different but still a similar idea). At the end of these terms, the lender will ask if you want to renew; remember, they want your business, and you're the customer. Ask them if they have a better product for you. Or even shop it around to other lenders; the savings in interest might be more than the penalty to change lenders.

With all that said, if you can handle a few years of higher mortgage payments, you'll get yourself more houses for your dollar. When it comes time to renew your mortgage, interest rates might be closer to the pre-pandemic levels, well ahead of the game, and on your way to your dream home.


How to sell your home yourself

You've decided to sell your home, maybe you're moving up to something bigger, maybe you have a new job, and you want a shorter commute; there are countless reasons someone may look to sell their home. And many people decide to sell it themselves, and that's great. Below are some tips I've learned along the way that will help your house shine above the rest and get you top dollar.

Be sure you're up for the job; Potential buyers will want to see your home before making an offer; you'll be shocked when people sometimes need to see a home. I've shown homes at 7:00 am and as late as 10:30 pm. Ensure you offer as much flexibility for viewing times as possible. It would be horrible to lose a buyer because they couldn't get off work to see your home.

Price it right; Setting your price isn't just about thinking this is what I want for my house. Look at what has sold recently in your area and how they shape up compared to your home. Remember to remove the home from the house. Try to look at your house objectively. Pricing your house too high can scare away potential buyers; if your home has lots of value, you want to ensure you have as many viewings as possible; all it takes is someone to fall in love with it. 

Declutter and clean up; now is the time to clean everything. Scrub the toilets, vacuum, scrub every corner, and when you're done, do it again. Your home must be clean. Go through your closets and take everything you don't need for the next few weeks. Storage space is a great selling feature; make your closets look as big as possible. 

Use online tools for advertising; you need to get the word out. Let the world know your beautiful home is for sale. Use tools like Kijiji and Facebook Marketplace to help reach as many people as possible.

Make sure to have a sign; let the neighbourhood know your house is for sale, and get a sign on your yard. Be sure it's big enough so that traffic is driving by notice. Many buyers are looking for an area to buy a home, and having a big sign out front may lead to a phone call that sells your home.

Show like a pro; you're trying to sell a product, and you want to have your product shine and look the best. Consider making feature sheets or having a pre-home inspection to show potential buyers and help them feel confident in their purchase. 

Look for committed buyers; tire kickers exist, and you will quickly become an expert at identifying those just window shopping. It happens, it's not the end of the world, but you need to be aware of how committed to buying someone is. Ask the right questions to ensure the potential buyers you call back are worth your time and energy.

Hire a real estate attorney; you'll need a lawyer to do some paperwork, be sure to find someone who you think can get the transaction across the finish line in a timely, cost-effective manner. 

These are a few things I do to help my clients sell their homes. Please reach out and ask any questions you may have about selling your home. 


10 Tips to Help Beginner Real Estate Investors Succeed

Are you a newcomer to the world of real estate investing? If so, you might be feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of financing and managing properties. Don’t fret – here are 10 tips to help beginner real estate investors succeed:


  1. Do Your Research – Before taking the plunge into real estate investment, it’s important to understand the basics of how investments work and research different available property opportunities in your area. Spend time familiarising yourself with local laws and taxation regulations that affect rental property owners.  

  2. Develop a Rental Property Investment Plan – It's important for beginner investors to outline their goals, such as cash flow or appreciation when starting out with a rental property investment. A written plan helps channel your investments in an organised way towards achieving these outcomes over time. 

  3. Understand Financing Options - Beginner investors should become familiar with leveraging different types of financing options available for rental properties which can include debt or equity capital from lenders or attracting other partners who can provide resources along the way. 

  4. Set Up an Emergency Fund– As an investor, it’s essential to plan ahead and set up an emergency fund with at least enough money saved up to cover three months worth of mortgage payments and maintenance expenses associated with any residential rental tenants or commercial lease tenants who will occupy your properties 

  5. Protect Your Investments - Landlords need to protect their investments through insurance policies in case anything goes wrong on the tenant side (e.g., tenant causing damage due to negligence) as well as liability policies in case of any legal issues arising from managing a rental unit (such as tenant suing over landlord neglect). 

  6. Appreciate importance of Tenant Screening – One mistake many rookie landlords make is selecting a tenant haphazardly without performing thorough background checks such as reviewing their credit scores, employment history or prior landlord references if available. As tempting as it may be to rent out quickly it can lead down a bad path otherwise.

  7. Choose Right Location Wisely– Choose locations that best fit your long-term plans for expansion and growth potential whether you're buying fixer-uppers , renting out existing single-family homes or multi-unit buildings . Research data regarding crime levels, job market histories and access infrastructure for each targeted location before making final purchase decisions if possible.

  8. Use Budgeting Tools - Get organised by creating personal budgeting sheets keeping track of all income & expenses related to each rental property venture. Also utilize tools like Excel spreadsheets & formulas calculators designed specifically for real estate investors alongside other services like property management software enabling better monitoring & reporting capabilities on rents collected over longtime scales.

  9. Join Network – Beginner landlords need someone experienced they can turn to during times when sound advice is required . Find local real estate groups nearby where members meet regularly discuss pertinent topics within respective markets providing networking opportunities plus valuable information about local buying/selling conditions changing often away from national averages impacting individual profit margins mainly used professionals already established within those surroundings.

  10. Market Your Properties - Allocate funds towards targeting specific marketing campaigns and the type of renters you’re trying to attract. Focus on the facilities your property offers or those that surround the neighbourhood. You are now selling a product, be it a rental or flip. 


Whats Happening in Winnipeg

It is no surprise to anyone who has ever been to Winnipeg that it gets frigid around February. So cold that leaving the house hardly seems worth it, but there are plenty of great reasons to bundle up and get out. Here are some fun things to do over the next few weeks. 

  • Festival du Voyageur - February 17-26 @ Voyageur Park; many Winnipegers have spent time at Festival but in the school years, where it was a great dose of history. Many people don't know that Festival in the evening is much different. Live music, firepits and great beverages are just some reasons to check out Festival du Voyageur, for a limited time, Feb 17th-26th. Check out
  • Snowshoeing & Ice Fishing @ FortWhyte Alive; it might shock some that there is an entire nature preserve within the city. A great place to visit year-round during the cold months and have plenty of fun experiences. Check it out
  • The World's largest snow maze @ St. Adolphe, MB; Manitoba has a World Record, which comes in the form of a snow maze, specifically the World's largest snow maze. A short drive from Winnipeg, this snow maze is a great way to spend an afternoon. Great for young kids and those who are young at heart. Check it out
  • The Leaf @ Assiniboine Park; go from winter weather to a tropical paradise. One of the newest go-to locations in Winnipeg, the Leaf is a beautiful display of tropical plants intertwined with breathtaking Architecture. Including Canada's largest indoor waterfall. Take a breath of fresh air at the Leaf
  • Rumours Comedy Club @ 2025 Corydon Ave; who doesn't love a good laugh? And there is no better place than Rumours Comedy Club. You'll be shocked about some of the big names that have visited this local gem. See their schedule at
  • Ice Cycles; itching to get on your bike, but snow slowing you down? Scratch that itch with Ice Cycles Rentals. Spend a sunny afternoon cycling on the river; you heard me right! You gotta check out

Get out and enjoy all the incredible things there are to do in our lovely city! Remember to say Hi if you see me out and about!


6 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Rental Property

Rental properties can be a great source of passive income and help you to accumulate wealth. Here are six reasons why investing in rental property might be a good idea:

  1. The regular rent payments from rental property can offer a consistent cash flow that is significantly higher than what you'd make with other investments, like stocks or bonds. Therefore, owning rental property provides bigger and more reliable source of passive income compared to other types of investments.
  2. Having rental property offers several tax advantages not available with other investments. You can deduct expenses such as maintenance, repairs and mortgage interest when filing taxes each year.
  3. Real estate investments, such as rental properties, may appreciate in value over time due to changes in their location, quality, or condition. This appreciation of equity can lead to greater financial security for retirement savings or for use towards further investments.
  4. Maximizing the monthly rent revenues can be used as a means of reducing debt and incrementing one's net worth at the same time.
  5. Making all mortgage payments in a timely fashion will have positive effects on your credit score, which banks view favorably when approving mortgages and car loans. Doing so every month also demonstrates financial responsibility with debt, making you more credible to lenders.
  6. Real estate investments are generally less risky than other types of assets, such as stocks and bonds. This is due to their more gradual rate of appreciation and their stability against market volatility. Because there is usually a continued demand for housing in most regions where you invest, rental income can remain steady regardless of changes in the economy or market conditions.

Let's talk about developing a strategy for you to build your real estate portfolio. Give me a call!


Buying and selling a home comes with lots of questions, here are some of the frequently asked questions. 

Should I get pre-approved for a mortgage before writing an offer?

A pre-approval can help your offer look more appealing to a seller. With an offer to purchase with a finance condition, having a pre-approval letter will help your seller feel confident your offer will be satisfied. When you get pre-approved, your lender has done their due diligence and is sure you can manage the mortgage payments and other home expenses. 

What is a conditional offer?

When making an offer on a home, you can have conditions for either the buyer or seller. These can include a condition of financing approval, a home inspection, a water inspection... almost anything. A house is considered conditionally sold if accepted, but the conditions must be satisfied or removed. 

What is the first step of the home-buying process?

Give me a call. Once we connect, we can start getting an idea of what you're looking for in your new home. I will help you find the perfect home for a fair price. I can help you find reputable professionals to help along the way. Need help understanding how borrowing for a home works? I have someone for that. Need an electrician to do an inspection? I have someone for that. Us Realtors make connections, and we can connect you with people who can provide honest and reliable service.

How long does it take to buy a home?

Understanding what's important to you in a home will help the process progress smoothly. I help filter out the homes that are right for you. From there, we start looking at homes; the "perfect" home could be the first home we walk into or months away. If we're not in a time crunch, take your time. The right home will excite you, and you'll leave the showing pumped and ready to make an offer. 

What is a seller's market?

Simply put, the number of available homes for sale is less than the number of people who need to buy homes. This results in multiple offers, which will help the seller secure the best possible price for their home.

What is a buyer's market?

This is a situation where the number of available homes for sale exceeds the number of people looking for a home. This can be expressed by diving into the Days On Market (DOM); a buyer's market will see more extended periods on the market than when the market is shifted to sellers. 

How much do I have to pay an agent to help me buy a house?

Here's the best part, it costs you nothing. As a Realtor, I am compensated by the seller of the home you eventually purchase. There's no risk to you, so give me a call and let's chat about how I can help you find your next home.

What kind of credit score do I need to buy a home?

Many people think this can be a roadblock to owning a home, so having a great team behind you is crucial. Your Realtor can connect you with a mortgage broker they trust to help you become a homeowner sooner than you thought possible. 

How much do I need for a down payment?

It's essential to understand it's not just a downpayment you're saving for; closing costs and moving costs are also included. Typically a 5% downpayment is an excellent point to start, an additional 1.5% for closing costs, and, depending on your moving needs, an extra 0.5% and, let's say, another 1% as a contingency. More often than not, having about 8% of the purchase price saved will help move the process along smoothly.

Should I sell my current home before buying a new one?

This may seem like a straightforward NO, but you'll be in a better position to make an offer to purchase if you don't have a condition of sale on your offer. Having your home sold before buying also gives you the peace of mind of knowing the amount of money you have to work with, putting you in a stronger position to buy a home. 

How many homes should I view before buying one?

Easy, as many until you find the right one. It can be the first home, or it could be the hundredth. This is a big purchase, and essential to ensure it's the right one. I will help by asking for lots of feedback after showings; please remember you're not hurting my feelings if you have a negative thought about a showing. Honesty is the best policy and helps me weed out homes that won't interest you.

What's the difference between a deposit and a downpayment?

A downpayment is a sum of money you're putting towards the cost of your new home. A deposit is money you include with your offer and can show your interest in the property. When arranging your financing, the deposit is applied to the downpayment amount. 

Do I lose my downpayment if my offer isn't accepted?

No, if your offer isn't accepted, your money is returned to you. This is true if your offer is accepted, BUT the conditions must be satisfied. Your cheque will be deposited into a trust account if your offer is accepted, but only forwarded to your lawyer once all conditions are satisfied. If conditions aren't satisfied, your money will be returned to you. 

How long can the seller take to respond to my offer?

When we write an offer, we put a deadline in place, creating a sense of urgency for the seller and giving the buyer a proverbial finish line. If the seller responds before the deadline, the deal is accepted, countered, or not accepted. The deal is considered dead and not accepted if they respond after the deadline. 

What if my offer is rejected?

When an offer is received, a seller can do a few things, accept it, propose a counteroffer, or reject it. Usually, if you're the only offer, they won't reject it; they will counter it. If they do reject it and you are absolutely in love with that home, we can ask to be a backup offer. But more often than not, it's time to find the next home to fall in love with. 

When's the best time to buy or sell a house?

This boils down to circumstance. House sales happen all through the year. If you're trying to buy a home because you need to sign a new lease on an apartment, sooner than later is the right time to buy. Typically there will be more inventory on the market in Spring and Summer. So if you're a buyer looking at homes during the off-season may be to your benefit. And if you're selling, waiting until the busier season may be advantageous. 

The lender has asked for an inspection. What does that mean?

Your lender is about to lend you a large sum with a promise you will repay it. They want to ensure you haven't overpaid or underpaid for a property. This is why working with a competent Realtor like myself is essential to ensure you purchase for a fair price. 

How do I find a lawyer?

You don't have to; I've already done that for you. When you hire me to buy or sell a home, you're hiring the people I have come to trust to ensure a fast and pain-free experience. If you have a lawyer you want to work with, I would be excited to make the connection for you. 


What to consider when downsizing

Is your home starting to feel too big? Maybe there's a room you haven't been in for a few weeks? A bathroom with a waterline on the bowl because it hasn't been flushed for a while? Homes serve a purpose, and it's essential to understand that purpose can change over time. The needs of a family of five change drastically when the kids move out. And it might be time to start thinking about reevaluating what you need in a home. 

Why would someone consider downsizing?

This certainly isn't a complete list, but some of the most common considerations.

Retirement: Part of retirement is enjoying your newly found free time. For some, this is tending to a garden, traveling, starting a new hobby... it doesn't matter; it's your retirement; do with it what you may. The house that served your family might not serve that purpose now. 

Empty Nest: Our house serves as a central hub when raising our families. A place to sit down for dinner, a place to have family over, and a place for the kid's friends to come over and play. As the family starts to make their mark on their own home, the need for space gets smaller. Some options have shared common areas that allow you to enjoy hosting large gatherings without the headache of tending to ample space. 

Stairs: We give very little thought to stairs in the early part of our lives; as the rust starts to form on our joints, stairs seem less appealing. Suddenly going upstairs to your bedroom is a task and not something you look forward to. Bungalows are a common choice for downsizing because of the convenience of the living space being on one level. 

Lifestyle Change: Is it time to start shaking things up a bit? Maybe the next chapter of your life will look different, and you need a home that better suits that narrative. Condos are a fantastic option for families who want to travel more and spend less time managing a home.  

Is downsizing starting to sound right?

There are plenty of options available. 

Rightsizing: Quite simply finding a home that might better suit your needs. Most big families come from a 4+ bedroom home, but most rooms start to become havens for clutter and an easy option to just close the door and forget about. Why would parents now need 3+ bathrooms for just the two of them? By recalculating your needs, you will probably find that a 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath might better suit you. Allowing you less time spent upkeeping the home and more time enjoying it. This is an excellent option for those who want the pride of homeownership but would appreciate less work on the house. 

Multi-generation homes: For some families, this is an incredible option. More and more homes are being built with a live-in suite in the basement. A perfect opportunity for grandparents who don't want the responsibility of managing a whole house but are falling in love with their new role as grandparents. 

Retirement Communities: These are increasing and are an incredible option for the social butterflies. Being surrounded by a whole new group of friends who are like-minded and enjoy similar activities can be an excellent option for many. 

Time to pull the trigger on downsizing? Great, get in touch with a realtor. Start looking at what options will fit your newly minted goals. Be honest with them. Remember, a realtor works for you and wants to get you the best home possible. If your new goal is to golf twice a week, let's look for a home near your course. Is the plan to downsize and travel more? Let's find a home with minimal upkeep. The most significant consideration is to be honest with your realtor and yourselves. Your realtor can help you dial in those expectations. 

What to do next?

Declutter: Time to start looking at all the stuff you've acquired. Some of it might truly bring you joy, and some might just be collecting dust. It is much less stressful to start this process sooner than later, and no need to clean everything out at the eleventh hour. By taking the time early to go through your possessions, you might find items your family would find sentimental and cherish to have in their home. 

Make a want and needs list: This is probably one of the most critical steps during any real estate transaction. A clear list will help you stay on track toward your real estate goals. Share this with your realtor, and revise it often. As you look at homes, you might feel a need is now a want or vice-versa. It is perfectly acceptable to make changes, and it's expected. 

Stop Acquiring: Shopping can be a lot of fun, and when we start to get excited about a new home, we can't help but think of what we're going to put in it. Wait until you're at the house. No need to buy a new couch just to find out it doesn't fit in the living room. Once your offer has been accepted, you can start daydreaming about how you will turn this house into your new home. 

Find out what your home is worth: Talk to your realtor, and they will be able to show you what similar homes in the area are selling for. This is an essential factor when making a solid plan to downsize. When downsizing, it is common to have some extra cash in your pocket as, more often than not, the value of your new home will be less than that of your old. 

Talk to a lender: Although possible, it isn't common to have a condition of sale on an offer for a new home. Banks and other lenders offer great products to help you bridge that period between possession of your new home and selling your old home. 

Many people looking to downsize haven't bought a home in 30+ years. That's ok. It's not your job to knock it out of the park. That's the job of your realtor. It can certainly be overwhelming, but we're here to help. Your role is to get excited about the next chapter in your life.

If you have questions about how to downsize, please reach out. I would love to help you.


You just bought a house!

Congratulations! You bought a house, let's celebrate. Crack open the bottle of champagne. Let's enjoy the moment as tomorrow we have to start planning.

What an exciting time for you, you've just bought a new home. It could be your first home, it could be your eighth home, it doesn't matter it's exciting. All this excitement is matched with a list of to-dos. It can certainly be overwhelming but we can make it a bit easier. Let's go over some of the must-dos before opening the door to your new home.

Before Possession

It might be that you have to start packing as soon as you find out your offer was chosen, or you might have several weeks. Take a moment to understand your timeline and plan accordingly. No sense in living in a house full of boxes for weeks when you don't have to. 

Insurance - this is often overlooked. But it should sit on the top of your to-do list, it's right up there with trying to track down moving boxes. Give your insurance broker enough time to shop for the best product for your needs. 

Packing - this is the first thing people think of when moving. An endless sea of boxes. Maybe a couple of boxes that fit in the back of your car, maybe a couple of moving trucks moving across the country. It can be a lot of work. LABEL YOUR BOXES. It's in caps for a reason, its importance can't be over-emphasized, don't forget to label the room the box belongs. Another great tip is don't load a big box up with books, they get heavy. Ask me how I know.

Lawyer - you should have a lawyer lined up (psst a REALTOR® can you help you with this). A couple of days before possession you and your lawyer will sit down and go over a heap of paperwork. At this point, your downpayment will go into the lawyer's trust account. 

Day of Possession

That day has arrived, you can now enter your new home. Resist the urge to go in prior to the agreed-upon possession date and time. This is a busy day but it is rewarding. Remember to drink lots of water and be sure to eat from time to time. 

Check your meters/appliances - Before any boxes are brought into your house take a deep breath and take it all in. You're about to turn a house into a home. Even before you bring in the first box walk through the house, check that all the appliances work, and is everything as you remember it? Now go record your meters. Water, Gas, and Electric. These are going to have to be called into your utility provider.

Essentials - below is a PDF with a checklist of all the things you should pack separately and have ready. You don't want to be in a situation where you're going through all the boxes trying to find something as mundane as a cell phone charger. Even with proper labeling, it can be hard to find the right box.

Cleaning - your house will probably never be this empty ever again. Take this opportunity to deep clean your house. Get in cabinets, get in all the corners, and clean your baseboards. If it has a surface clean it.

Feed your Friends - this is from personal experience. If you've recruited your friends to help you move be sure they are hydrated and fed. Beer and Pizza go a very long way with a group of friends after moving what is most likely the world's heaviest couch.

Move stuff in - if you're able, start moving the big stuff in first. And don't put it in the middle of a room, try to put it where it's going to go. It's much easier to move after than it is to move around furniture. With all the big pieces in time to bring in the boxes. Put them right into the room they're going.

Start Unpacking - most likely there are going to be a heard of people helping you, especially if you entice them with beer and pizza. If you're lucky enough to have a gaggle of friends helping you, and since you've already cleaned cabinets and such, kitchen essentials can go straight into their new home.

After possession

The proverbial dust has settled, you've moved in. Now it's time to be a responsible home-owner. Take care of your home, and make it what you want it to be. 

Declutter - look around are there boxes you haven't unpacked yet? Are you getting along with your normal routine without the contents of that box? Take a hard look, do you need everything in that box?

And there you go a brief list to give you some guidance while you move, by no means is this a comprehensive list, it is simply here to give some direction. If you have any questions reach out, I'd love to help you out!

Download Moving Checklist

Categories:   Know Your Home
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